Monday, March 18, 2013

FAQ's About Natural Flower Remedies

How often should I take flower essences?

Most practitioners advise to take flower remedies about 4 times a day.  However, I personally believe every drop of water (or any other liquid you may be drinking) has the potential of bringing health, healing, restoration, renewal, positive mindsets, straightened priorities, clarity, confidence & courage when essences are present!  So why then should they be reserved for only 4 times a day?!  Every water pitcher, bottle or glass I fill has flower essences and or other vibrational remedies.

Can your single flower essences be used to make custom remedies?

Absolutely! -  Blessed Flower Essences’ single remedies can be used as “stock” or “mother” essences.  They can make countless custom blended remedies.  It is one reason we urge people to invest in single kits.  However, great care should be given to ensure they are prepared properly. 

Are there a maximum number of single remedies one can take at the same time?

Bach Centre in England recommends a maximum of 7 single flower essences in a custom remedy treatment bottle.  Personally, I believe there is no harm in using too many essences but there could be consequences if someone is not getting the right one(s).  I have a few combinations that have 8 essences.  As a general rule, I try to keep them under 7 essences.  When I use muscle testing, which is frequently, only 5-7 Flower Essences come up and address many issues beautifully.    So I guess it is a fine line between making sure you have enough without diluting (or muffling) some of the instructions.

I don’t drink a lot of water – Can I add flower essences to other drinks?

Nothing is a substitute for pure water!  To ensure tissues don’t get overly acidic and to keep organs functioning optimally it requires proper hydration.  Every person needs at least ½ their body weight in ounces per day in REGULAR INTERVALS.  Cells can only hold up to 5-6 ounces at a time.  Think of this as sand holding water after the tide.  It can only hold so much before it becomes flooded.  Therefore, I recommend sipping 4-5 ounces every 20-30 minutes. 

Many people are dehydrated even though they consume enough ounces per day.  They might drink 12-16 ounces once they become thirsty every 3-4 hours.  When the body is in starvation mode it will hold on to fat.  It will do the same thing when dehydrated - It will hold on to water.

All that being said I am also a realist.  If you drink other beverages it is still an opportunity to bring in the flower essences!  If you are someone who has difficulties having one (or more) too many alcoholic drinks try adding crave to them & see if helps you from overindulging!  In our family we juice a lot & drink smoothies everyday so essences can also be added to these liquid meals.  Flower remedies boost the medicinal effects of herbal teas tremendously.  We also add them to baths, lotions, shampoo, conditioners, and facial masks or just about everything else the flower essences can be easily mixed with. 

Is it ok to take more than one combination flower remedy at the same time?

It is not uncommon for me to take multiple flower essence combinations in the same DAY.  However, I don’t mix them at the same time.  Here’s why…  The energetic vibrations in flower remedies act as healing messages to the body.  If you give too many instructions at the same time it loses some of its clarity.  Think of this as voices in a crowd - The more people speaking the harder it is to hear!

Here’s an example of how using the flower essence combinations might be done throughout a typical day…  Fatigue, Alert or Transition might be a good choice in your first glass of water of the day.  Everyone should be taking in water soon upon waking anyway.  Then if you’re off to work you might choose Professional.  Or if you’re off to class so you might go with Student.  If you’ve had a really stressful day when you get home you might take Peace, Stress or Family Bliss to help unwind.  You might sip on some sleep at bedtime in water warm milk or herbal tea. 

We almost always pass Family Bliss around when doing chores on the weekend.  When someone in our family gets hurt they sip on some Peace.  When someone receives some bad news we take Grief.

I’ve heard flower essence remedies can be used for muscle aches and pains?

I have had tremendous results with flower essences reducing aches and pain.  Peace would always be my go to for any type of pain.  Another good choice might be Forgiveness as it deals with rigidity, flow and hardness issues.  I find flower remedies especially helpful when using body mapping and / or muscle testing for determining the right essences to apply.  It usually requires only 1 or 2 applications for immediate and lasting results!